This is a 3 hours course which includes a live fire qualification based on the Illinois CCL requirements. If your Illinois concealed carry license is expiring, the process for applying for a renewal license is very simple. We’ll walk through this simple process next. Our suggestion is to start this process at least 120 days prior to your current license expiring, since the state of Illinois has 120 days to process your renewal application.
Instructor: Neal Collins
Illinois Certified Conceal Carry Instructor, USCCA Instructor, NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, NRA Recruiter
Freedom 2Arms Facebook Page
Location: Hampshire Township Park District Meeting Room
Date: Check back soon for future dates
Course Length: 3 hours
Time: Classroom at location from 5:30-7:30pm then range time at D5 Ranges Marengo until 8:30pm
Minimum: 3 participants to run class